Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Kathy Rose Question/Response

1. Are you able to get your ideas across better when you do video/performance work as opposed to drawings?
2. Why is integrating yourself into your work so important?

I really really enjoyed Kathy Rose's lecture. First of all it was really inspiring to see her work on a big screen like that. I had looked at some of her animations and drawings on her website but nothing compared to seeing her videos blown up like that. I was most impressed with her sound design; it was really easy for me to become entranced with the images when the sound was so incredible. The sound is what captivated me originally and it kept me interested in what I was watching. I really liked a couple of things that she touched on in the lecture. She said that she didn't really think about what she was making, she just went along with what her subconscious dictated. She thinks about what she does later. Also, I liked how she didn't really describe her work at all. It kind of goes back to what we discussed in my meeting on Wednesday. The artist is responsible for their work but that doesn't mean you have to explain every thing that goes into it. I really liked how unpretentious Rose was as well. She didn't use "art speak" at all, which was really refreshing. She even brought up how "art speak" annoys her, especially words like contextualization. We talked about it in my Contemporary Issues class too and the conclusion that I came to was that it's important to be able to speak about your work so you can explain it if you have to and be able to talk to other people about it as well as for when you want to write grants or submit to competitions. However, I don't think "art speak" is the be-all and end-all of art. I really don't understand why there is kind of this divide between those who speak "art" and those who don't. Maybe it's about status or this idea that the more you give off this idea of being an "artist" the better you will be. I don't know, it's all pretty heavy stuff. Kathy Rose's lecture gave me a lot to think about as well as renewed motivation to work on things that I kind of let fall to the side, like my film and sound work.

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